
Sunday, February 28, 2010

The mafia makes it easy.

The Mafia makes it easy for the FBI to do their job. They stay in the same small area and fight over the same few dollars.
They will keep getting hit hard by the FBI as long as the public reads their stories. The FBI gets funding by making headlines. They could go after Russian mobsters who make more money and work on an International level. That is not sexy, no headlines in busting a bunch of guys with names nobody knows. That is the same deal with the large drug crews.
This is easy work for the FBI, they bust a few old guys and the stupid young guys doing their dirt. It is easy, they speak English, live in the area, do the same things everyday.

I wrote before that the FBI was going to come down hard on the Colombo family. The guys still on the street made it through the Holidays. Will Teddy Persico jr see mothers day this year a free man? How long will Michael Persico be able to keep the family business going? He is Allie Boi's lifeline to the streets. When the FBI takes down the Persico's this time, this should be it. The new leaders should just step up. The whole family has been illeagel since Allie Boi made himself boss anyway.

My man John "Goggles" Baudanza has a lot of time to do. The chance that anything is left for him on the streets are getting very slim. The Feds just hit his father in law Danny Cutia with another indictment. Danny is 74 and in poor health can he make it 8 more years until Goggles Baudanza gets out? Even if Goggles does get out who will protect him from the "Georges" He did piss off some heavy people. Then Goggles must worry about catching new charges like the two brothers, Freddy, The pizza kid, The diner or setting up Robert. I say read some good books enjoy life Goggles you maybe in for a lot longer.

I was just on the radio talking about the 80's, that was fun! The 80's were easy! There were not video cameras all over, the FBI was not every place. The cocaine days were fun!
The OC was full of criminals. Mike Rizzi was down here getting paid. They blasted some guys. Bill Carrol got it, but lived.
Talk about a charmed life. He takes bullets to the head and walks away. Maybe he even gets away with murder.

Time has a way of making things come back up. Even now the murders in the OC will come back up.
Jimmy Casino, Big George, Joe Avila and the bookie, hell even the porno guy Charlie the Ape.

Enjoy the week! Kenji OC


  1. hey kenji,

    you mentioned that Jerry D isnt doing good...does that mean he did not rat or did he?

    because he would have the most on John

  2. Jerry D has problems, cases but he has done time before. He will stand up. I know he is stronger then John Goggles. Lets see how Goggles does if he catches another case.

    Kenji OC

  3. the agents on this case are on a mission to put these guys away for good and destroy the mob once and for all . they have done a great job so far and will finish off these crews for good . btw jerry d has lost 100 lbs and looks horrible

  4. if teddy goes down 25 guys will be waiting to take his place, as for the agents taking down all the guys they got about 600+ still roaming the east ken put up the court rat sheets those were good atleast this week you did'nt blog to much hate in your article/blog.

  5. There are not 25 guys to step up WHEN Teddy goes down. I bet the Colombo's could not find 50 active guys to have a vote in Brooklyn. 600 pluss on the Easy Coast, you live in Dream Land.

    Kenji OC

  6. What you think about the Orena faction? will they take the lead? Have they big numbers of made members/associates.....?

  7. you wish you were a persico thats why you cant keep there name out your mouth for the last 5yrs. kenji persico soulds good.

  8. Hello i am almost done reading your book .I can relate to alot of the places you refer to and the life style.I grew up in palm springs and alot of your story rings true.I notice you talk alot about martial art and was wondering if you ever heard of a friend of mine the late great Dan Ivan.That guy took on the yakuza he was a cool dude taught me alot.Not how to fight but how to Deal with Life.Later

  9. Why would anyone want to be a Persico> So they can go away? I talk about them because that was the family I was with and I put Teddy the Tool away. Then I wrote a book, got a TV show and I clown Teddy Jr and the rest of the inbred Persico clan all the time.

    I never knew Dan Ivan. I love Martial Arts, I train everyday! I started with JKD and keep it all up with Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai.

    Kenji OC laughing in the face of the Colombo Family

  10. Michael Persico is running that clan for Allie? The guy looks like someone who got abused in High School... but I guess when your last name is Persico you get left alone.

    That will change very soon....

    For some real laughs, check out:

    Have you seen this yet, Kenji?

    Someone is crying a river for him. Maybe "innocent until proven guilty", but I doubt that....

  11. laughing in the face of the colombo family in the oc, wow thats true strength of character.

  12. Johnny Goggles"s does have most of his boy"s in the can but a few have been finishing there time and are back out ,his uncle joe and his father are back out ,his close pal Louis Fontana is also back out ,his brother in law sal has less then a year to go ,so he still has friends and family to come home to.
