
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The New Mob

It is 2010 and the Mafia keeps trying to use the same business tactics. They actually seem to be regressing as the FBI and other Law Enforcement becomes more sophisticated. The reach of the Mafia has diminished. Today I know almost as many Wiseguys as I did when I was in the street.

When I did the show Flipped: A mobster tells all, I spoke about how petty the Mafia guys in Brooklyn are today. I said it was friends killing friends. Craig Marino and John Baudanza know about killing friends. Guys like Freddy D, Guys they set up like Robert and the innocent guy in the car. The one tough brother and the brother who was a good guy.

This next news story really shows how far these guys have fallen.
Jerry D was around both John Baudnaza and Crag Marino. I also saw him at Nicky Santoro's place. This guy is his father.

A wiseguy who was busted for swiping an engagement ring in a Craigslist scam last year has been linked to a similar crime, authorities said yesterday.

In the latest incident, Gerald Degeralomo, 65, who sources say is an associate of the Luchese crime family, allegedly answered an ad on Craigslist to buy two rings for a total $90,000.

This is bad.

Joey Caves and Big Dino will put the nails in the Colombo Family coffin. Frankie Blue eye's will knockout the family.. Goodbye Allie Boi's link to the world! This may topple the Persico Family! They will be like the Gotti's!

I finished up shooting my next TV show!

Kenji OC


  1. ken:
    u know if donnie shacks is alive and still in la??

  2. kenji,
    I, read the other day that the FED's are about ready to drop a big bomb on the philly mob.

  3. Any new book signings in LA?

  4. Hey Kenji you told that Alley boy has sons involved????? Probably they can be the contact between Alley boy and the street?????? From an NYDaily article of a few months ago,a lot of Orena faction guy will(or they just got out) from prison.(guys indicted in the 90's war) Will they take the the lead???? Thanks!!!!

  5. Hey Kenji you told that Alley boy has sons involved????? Probably they can be the contact between Alley boy and the street?????? From an NYDaily article of a few months ago,a lot of Orena faction guy will(or they just got out) from prison.(guys indicted in the 90's war) Will they take the the lead???? Thanks!!!!

  6. sorry for my bad english.......

  7. I know one fella who is probably one of john b's closet friend's they go back to there teenage years Louis Fontana 42 of Downtown Brooklyn is a ballsy member of john's crew and you can compare him to a loyal pit bull, we know back in the late 80's early 90's he was a die hard Bobby boriiello and was said it was a matter of time he would be made woth the gambino's have Boriello not get killed , after that he walked away from the Gambino's just to show how much ghe gave a shit , and around the early 200's he hooked up with old best friend John Baudanza and has been with him since he's a guy stupid enough to get him self wacked for the good of johnny boy ,dumb loyal some call it , others call it old school loyal , Fontana's Joe Butch Fontana was a Gambino bookie for almost 4 decades and served well , we also think he was related to Harry Fontana a capo in the columbo family fromthe 60's and 70's who was a friend of the gallo's only time will tell what becaomes of him it seems he is underground since John has been in but a close sorce says he has alot of bomes to pick with so called friend's of J.B who did not do the right thing according to him and he will surface when John comes home ready for what ever his man tell's him will be , the guy surely doesnot have much in life going for him if he places his faith in Johnny googles . good luck Big Lou .

  8. yeah thaats Joe Butch Fontana 's son Joe butch a Gambino passed away in 91 he was 71 old school bookie loanshark was with a veteran crew however Louie ig Lou hooked up with the younger crowd an was with Bobby Borriello you don't get that much closer to John Gotti's inner circle back then ,but yeah big lou left the gambino's when borriello was killed an is now an on the bookks associate of the Luchesse Family under his long time friend John Baudanza and word is he will be made when Baudanza return's from an 8 year stay at allenwood federal prison in 2 years in my opinion big lou is a nut anyone who tells a known killer a serial kiler that he was arguing with , that the only way the guy is gonna win with him is to go get his gn an put 2 in his head , an he guy he told this to has 4 or 5 notches in his belt they say , well to me thats just pure crazy , Hopfully J.b will calm him down when he comes home for his sake im sure J.b will sorces say ehe is the only person Loie listens to , see people there is new news going on all the time in filthy brooklyn .

  9. Speaking of John B he has no crew or rackets to come back to . His father in law danny is retired and ill .His relatives are Columbo's and this Big Lou guy is just a knockaround fella who most likly don't have it in him any more if he is smart he would not want any part of that life in this day and age it has changed alot even from 1990 . As for craig he is already not liked by the family that made him im sure they will put him on the shelf maybe even take away his button .To be honest there are alot of dogs out there who should have there membership stripped from them
