
Sunday, March 14, 2010

I can act like a fool. Teddy Persico Jr 2009

These will go down as Teddy "Do Over" Persico's defining statement on his life! I can act like a fool! This sums up his whole life and this is what most mobsters lack today. Teddy Jr is a throwback to another time. He is a gangster to the core, he lives it and he is willing to do what it takes.
I liked Teddy because he was a hard guy. He was cool. People can talk about Teddy but few knew him. I was one of the first people to see him when he hit the streets after 17 years of lock down. He told me that he need to leave a body on the street so people knew he was back.
The powers that be wanted Teddy to ease back into the world he left behind. They were grooming him for a top slot like his father. This was not for Teddy in fact before he even was released he was already on his way to life in prision. I was already wearing my wire at Big R trucking when it was in downtown Brooklyn at Bonafide. I sent him some pornstar pictures while he was locked up. He was not supposed to get out for another four years! He was released early because they changed the law.
The day he got out he was already being watched and listened to by the law.
I wonder if Teddy is mad at Eddie Garafolo for bringing me in to his life? If it was not for me he may have had a few more years on the street. I love that I can still keep getting these guys!
One day Eddie came to my place on Shore road and his hand was bleeding bad. He had beat up one of his workers for complaining about being paid low wages. I am glad I had my wire running that day. There was one time that was so funny! Eddie was in my place and he had this paper that had Colombo guys and assoicates listed on it. He was amazed that it some new guys on it. I had to keep from laughing because I gave the FBI those guys names.

We know Teddy can do the time. What about Michael Persico and Eddie Garafolo? Michael has the family legacy to uphold. Eddie will let down his wife who is jammed up on this case and their kids. They are all losing assets in this case.
Will Eddie Garafolo stand tall? What will his Uncle Manny do?

How will Michael Persico stand after Frankie Blue Eyes does him in to the Grand Jury?

Kenji OC out here in the sunny OC


  1. Hey Kenji, I see you take Credit for Putting Teddy in Prison, What I dont understand is, that 2 of Teddy's Close friends from way back before he did the 16 Years, Are High Profile Rats, I always thaught they were the Ones who ratted on him, So Please confirm that your the Real Rat B*st*rd That put him in prison.

  2. Teddy The Tool aka Do Over Persico Jr,
    While Teddy was locked up just like I say in the blog I was already putting him away. I wore a wire on Teddy. At his home, his mothers home, the Truck yard, 101, Aero, the car.
    Teddy is like a sick dog he needs to be put down. Look ity up online, he had some great lines when he was yelling at his brother.
    The Discovery Channel show Flipped had an hour on what I did to him.

    Kenji OC

  3. what did he do to you that you have so much hatred towards him?

  4. I have no hate. I wa doing a job. I just dilike him and the way they act.
    Now Eddie and his Uncle I really dilike and want to see go away.

    Kenji OC

  5. Yea I seen That show Flipped, and i know Derosa was Full of Sh!*, he made himself out to be a Gangster, and a Big timer, all he did was sell $5.00 Pieces of Crack, Messy Marvin Shot Greg, and the Kid, Derosa was shitting in His Pants, But then again Messy Marvin was Trained By one of Teddy'S old Buddies, Let me Make this Clear, I in no way Like any of these people or do I agree with their Lifestyle, I just Had the Misfortune to Grow Up in the Same neighborhood as Them, and I follow the news, and like I said in my first post, the 2 Old buddies of Teddy's That are Confirmed High profile Rats, There names were always in the Papers for either Testafying or getting ready to Testafy against Major Mobsters, but I never seen your Name in the Papers, now if you were really close to Teddy, Then you would Know who his 2 A$*&0!E buddies are, Please tell us, I think you never went to Brooklyn and did all you say you did, I think its just some type of fantasy, Just like the whole California, Fake City LA, hey did you try the new Fo Joint out in West Hollywood yet?

  6. Another Brooklyn Idiot. It was all over court docs and the net that I got Teddy the day he was released from Greenhaven. I wentt to his mothers place and I taped him there.

    Those other guys and I am sure Frankie Smith is one were not around when Teddy Got out.
    When He got out he was around Eddie G, His brother,s Andre D'Apice and Goombah Johnny.
    I wa sent there by the FBI it is in print in my book as well as on Flipped. It is also on Ganglandnews

    Oh and Idiot Its Pho 90210 and Chri is way better off without the idiot from Brooklyn

    Kenji OC

  7. Is Andre D'apice a relative/cousin with the Persico???? I'm not sure but i think he was arrested a few years ago with Teddy Jr.Has he brothers involved in the life????

  8. LIke I Said, you were never in any of the news papers, Capeci, just assumes things, and by the way itsd 9021Pho, The real idiot is you, the only credit you got is 1, Frankie, now if you really knew Teddy you would of Known, the other one. stay in Fairyland LA, and you and Derosa, should do a Show on Wannabe Rats, you aint even a real Rat, Derosa at least testalied against 1 Guy, You just give fake info you read in books and the newspapers, oh no Jerry Capeci's Site, so you could publisize that fake Book of yours, How Many copies did you sell? 30? 10?, I think its not working you should go get a job, or another Hooker like your Ex wife that you can pimp off, you coward, hey onething about Brooklyn Guys, they would never pimp off a girl, and will go and steal before they do that, and risk there lives, so they have alot more class then you do, Punk.

  9. I wore a wire on Teddy and his brothers. Carmine, Danny the town drunk. He has another Sean who has been in the papers a few times.
    Andre, Teddy and Carmine took a plea because of my wire. I have been in many papers, Magazines, radio and on TV. My book has sold very well and soon will be every place!
    Kenji OC

  10. Kenji, I have to say that before this blog I never heard of you once, I asked around the old neighborhood and you were known as Kenny The Jap. It is just strange that your name not be in the papers. I guess in the big Scheem of things you really did put away many guiys and the ones you were the highest profile.

    That would be the only reason I could think of.
    The the cases you were on weren't front page.


  11. Nah, Strike 3, Theres no High Profile witness against the mob with the Name Sean, anyone whoreads your Blog and is from that Neighbohood, or any part of Brooklyn, S.I., Qheens, or Manhattan Knows the Crew Teddy came up with, and it wasnt Eddie Garafola either, some of them are Dead, 1 is a High Ranking Member in the Colombo Family, 2 are High Profile Stoolies, one is Frankie, the other you dont know, one Lives and Runs a Succesfull Restaurant in LA after Standing up and Doing a Bid, 1 is a Major Traffiker associated to the Gambino Family now, and all he is left with is a Motley Crew of Crumbs, if you really did wear a wire on him, Thats the reason you were able too. are you a Bigger Rat then Cookie, I think your Just a Mouse, Trying to Play Rat, so you can sell a Book, How Much did you get for That show, $5,000 WOW, How Come they could not get any of the High Profile Rats, to Be on the Show, I will tell you why, Because to them What they payed you is Chump Change, only to you or Derosa With his million Dollar Deals, was it any Money, now lets Talk about Derosa, he stated that he now makes million dollar Deals, and Lives in hiding, But he Gets on a TV Show and shows his Face to all his new neighbors, and who he Really is, a Lowlife $5.00 Bag Crack dealer, now who really believes he is making Millions, when he probably did the show for $5,000.

  12. "Kenny "Kenji" Gallo (born 1968 in Orange County, CA.[1]) is an Asian American and Italian American gangster turned informant and a former director and producer of pornographic films. A convicted narcotics"
    Dude What Made you a ganster, get real, your not even a wannabe, your living a Hollywood Fairytale Life, your Just a Pimp and a Junk Pusher, Peddling Crack to little Kids, Look up the definition of a Gangster, because your not even close to being one, all you are is a Mouse, and maybe a Muskateer, not a Racketeer, how do you look at yourself in the Mirror, Knowing you Made a Living from others Miserys, You exploited your own wife, your a Coward, and a Lowlife compared to the Guys you Bad Mouth, Go and get a Job, you helpless Bottom Feeder.

  13. Brooklyn Idiot! Sean Persico is Teddys brother. I never pimped out my xxx-wife I was not even married for year and not when I wa in Brooklyn. The guys in Brooklyn were in no way tough, not one of the guys could use their hands. I saw their guns and that was a joke!
    The I never sold crack, the people I was around moved more than than whole Colombo family ever saw.
    I cannot be a coward. I went into Brooklyn and wore a wire. I wore a wire for 8 years.
    I did a job.
    Kenji OC

  14. Your Full of Contridictions, You Stated "Sean" was probably the other Rat, Now your Saying its his Brother, Everyone knows he has a 2 other Brothers besides Danny, and 1 of them is sean, And if you really were in Brooklyn for 8 Years, Then you would also be aware of the Fact that Teddy is very Capable with his hands, not Just a Gun, do you Think these Guys Carry there Guns into Prison with them?, The Stooly that You dont Know Copped out to 2 Assaults, on othe Inmates before He was a tolly, and then he was Charge with assaulting another inmate in the Witness Jail while he was a Rat, and that was in the News Paper, dont underestimate anyone, your Neighbor Chris is handing out Beatings in California 2 in the last 2 years, do you think he comes from a different neighborhood, if you ever get to speak to him ask him what if any connection he ever had to Teddy's Crew. But I will warn you if he is with a Fat Jolly Guy, That looks, speaks, or seems Like a Gangster, Dont Challange The Fat Guy to a Fight.
    Peace to you May you find the Light, and Follow it into redemption, and Live Life as a Normal Human Being, and let your Past wash away with the summer Rain, and go forward into a sunny future.
    TIKTOK Over and out.

  15. I never wrote that Sean was a Rat. None of those guys could fight anyone without 10 guy with them. They are a joke. I did what I did. I threw a wrench in Teddys life plan. Back to the cellblock for him.
    Now I will live my life.
    I will be here in the OC

    Kenji OC

  16. Like I said not all of them need 10 guys to fight, and I can gurantee you that Teddy is one that does not need the ten guys or the Gun, and if you feel so confident with your Martial Arts, go by chris and either Challenge him or Fatty, that will get you front Page coverage in all the Papers, even Better Challenge Mikey Lohan, He is also a Pro/Amature Boxer, I will Put My Money on Mikey Lohan, if Vegas Picks up the Fight, it will be Stand Up NY Guy Mikey Lohan, against Stool Pigeon Kenji, Stop Talking a About it and be about it, and make sure you let Mikey Know that your a Short Eyes, Stool pigeon

  17. This is stupid, Teddy cant fight, only guys who do not know how. I saw Teddy hit a bag and that was enough. The guy is not good, kinda of a spaz. The talk is nil because he i gone.

    I do not pick fights. I will fight anyone they wish me to fight in a cage or ring.

    I would have fought Lohan, but that wa not to be. Now he had a heart attack.

    Kenji OC

  18. ken why didnt you become a cop growing up, being a gangster then rat is almost as bad as being a skinner, atleast i respect most cops but i could never respect a person like you, people like you.

  19. I became what I wanted. I did what I did. What do I care if you respect me or not?

    I just live my life and do my own thing. You live your life.

    Kenji OC

  20. U talk on here like u are a man. A man takes responsibility for his actions, he doesn't do what u do and betray people so they can weasel there way out of what ever it was they got in trouble for. When u were doing all the illegal things u claim u were doing u had to know the consequence's of that life. From what i seen on that rat show all they had u for was insurance fraud and u became a snitch, what were u looking at a year in a federal camp and u bitched up to that. That is pathetic. For a guy who claims he can fight and handle himself it sounds like u were afraid to go to jail. U claimed u helped people when all u helped was your scared ass. U probably do mma training to try to repair the issues u have with being a rat. It must be hard to look in the mirror, i know i couldn't. I have one question for u Kenji. Do u sit down to piss???

  21. Wow Sigmond Fraud you know what people think like.

    No I went to Brooklyn to do a job. I did it. I was never doing it to get out of something. Today I sit and laugh about the Persico's with my friend. We did what Vic, Joe and Bill could not. Good by Gimpy Persico and your family.
    I also admit what I did. I did everything on my own and blame nobody else.

    Kenji OC

  22. FYI TIKTOK Lohan was a confdential informant vs Michael Franzese and got thrown out for being a junky and a lowlife con man. I have seen the actual paperwork because he left it behind in his briefcase when he got violated many years ago.

  23. 1:25??? You couldn't look in the mirror?
    Are you a RAT? as well?


  24. Can someone tell me why they pronounce their name Purse-icko instead of Pear-seeko? Has it been that way since Ellis Island?

    L.A. Dude

  25. Might as well pronounce it "assaholas'" because thats what they are. Who cares how they pronounce it..where they're goin it dont matter how they say it. PUSSICO.. hows that. TOMATO, ya's, hate to be ya's..............

  26. yeah yeah,

    We all know how easy it is to talk shit here, but the fact is you end up playing yourself and you show the limits of your mind with the half-assed shit-talk jealousy of haters, and with all these spelling errors shitting on Kenji with simple minded comments (That he has already come to terms with as to what he did).Try being creative a bit here....he's heard it all already so what makes you think you're getting under his skin?

    Informant, Rat, skinner, snake in the grass.... whatever. He looks in the mirror everyday, and he still faces the day, and it's quite sunny in the OC.
    This bunch of gang-up, predator mooks are no longer the so-called Men of Honor you read about in LCN and mafia romance books.... they bastardized whatever honor this thing of theirs once had. This ain't a fuckin Harlequin(sic) romance here.
    This life is over, history.... it's full of shit and you know it has nothing but lowlifes in it now...
    He(Gallo) did what he did. The others are climbing all over each other to do the same thing before the other does.... so-called 'brothers' killing each other trying to keep their sins from bubbling up to the surface to supress the truth they refuse to face and man up to.

    Get over yourself and go see a professional.

    If not, go ahead haters.... knock your socks off*

  27. kenji you are truly a sick man . if you know what you say you do you should know that after serving a 17 year sentence you are brainwashed into speaking in his manner. being around killers, murderers , rapist , child molesters & drug dealers would do that to the mind. just like you. youve probably surrounded yourself around sick sad people and this is why you are living the life you are today. ur much like the devil . sleep tight

