
Sunday, March 23, 2014

Poor Tommy Shots

This week was quiet in the world of the Mafia because the Feds did not take down anyone new. There was a little cleaning up of old trash in the name of Thomas Gioeli Aka Tommy Shots, Tommy Machine or Bitch Tits. Tommy has his own blog so maybe he has a family member writing for him, as he is locked up. On the blog you can read about his plight and all his physical woes. He complains that the FBI and the United States Attorney conspires to take down Italians for decades old crimes while bankers steal billions from innocent citizens. The problem with this story is that a banker or CEO is not a part of an Organized Crime Family and is not as violent as the Colombo Family. Bankers do not engage in murder as a way to settle business disputes. The Government charged Tommy Shots in a superseding indictment on 6-19-08 with a number of racketeering charges, including murders, robberies and running the Colombo Family on a day-to-day basis.

The sole purpose of the Colombo Family is to enrich its members from the proceeds of criminal acts with the bulk of the proceeds going to the leadership. This is funny because Tommy Shots claims he was so broke, that his defense was paid for by the taxpayers. Tommy Shots conspired with others to rob a place on the Jericho Turnpike named "Furs by Mina." He then conspired with others to murder Frank Marasa aka "Chestnut" on June 12 1991. Tommy gave the order to murder Marasa because it was said he was involved in the murder of a Colombo Associate. On the night of June 12th Tommy Shots ordered a relative of his named Thomas McLaughlin to drive Dino Calabro and Richie Greaves to Bensonhurt, Brooklyn. They waited until they spotted Marasa in front of his home. Calabro and Greaves exited the car and opened fire on Marasa, killing him. McLaughlin then dropped off Greaves and took Calabro to the Cropsey Diner to meet with Tommy Shots. Tommy Shots was later convicted for this conspiracy.

The Colombo War was in full swing when Tommy Shots was given the order to kill Orena faction loyalist John Minerva by the Persico faction leaders. Minerva was a Colombo soldier but was now marked for death. On the night of March 25th, 1992, Minerva was with a friend named Michael Imbergamo for a night out. They were parked in front of the Broadway Cafe in North Massapequa Long Island when a gunman opened fire on them, killing them both instantly. Michael Imbergamo was killed simply for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.  That is the way the Mafia works.

They would like you to think that they only kill each other, but the truth is that they kill anyone they wish. A lot of the murders are over petty matters. The bosses never follow "The Rules" they only apply them to those who fall out of their favor.

I have written before about Tommy Shots going after Joseph Peraino Sr. and his son Joseph Peraino Jr. in Gravesend Brooklyn. The two men were walking down the street when two men started firing on them. They both ran up a stoop to a door and began beating on it, the occupant was a former nun who was known as Sister Mary Adelaide. She walked towards the door asking what was going on when she was hit by a pellet from a shotgun blast and killed. Joseph Jr. was killed and Joseph Sr. would spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair. This was all over the profit of the porn film Deep Throat because the Colombo family Bosses aka the Persicos felt they were not getting their due.

Tommy Shots has spent the last six years locked up in Federal Detention because he was refused bail as a danger to the community. He had a stroke and his diabetes is bad, but as the past has shown, these guys don't let a little sickness stop them from their life of crime. It certainly does not stop them when they can reap the rewards of being in the administration of the family. 

Even though he has spent six years locked up, he was given another 224 months by the judge in the case because the Judge felt the Government had proved by a preponderance of evidence that Tommy Shots was a Colombo Mobster. He was ordered to pay $360,000 in restitution, $150,000 going to Furs by Mina, but it will never come because until Tommy Shots is released he must only pay $25.00 a month and then after release 10% of his income to the court. He will have 3 years of supervised release with rules that he may not associate with anyone in Organized Crime. 
Lets hope that Tommy Shots lives a long life in whatever Federal Medical Center he is placed. This is one criminal that I don't mind paying to keep locked up with the best medical care.


  1. burn him alive.............................

  2. drop death already basterd hell is wating for you and family...........ugly ass..........................
