
Sunday, October 9, 2016

Garbage Men

The mafia has long controlled carting, also known as waste removal, or whatever you want to call it.  I have personally watched trucks from New York roll into a private waste disposal and dump asphalt that was supposed to be recycled.  It is not surprising that the mafia used everyone’s “Go Green” attitude to put a new twist on an old business.

Last week I wrote about Joey Merlino and the others who were taken down by the Feds in a massive bust.  One of the crimes which was not mentioned happened in Palmyra, New Jersey.

Brad Sirkin, who was arrested with Merlino in the Florida case, leased a 104 acre parcel of land to be used for a recycling and mulch operation.

Sirkin was operating Jersey Recycling, a company that was licensed to process landscape waste.  Grass, plants, branches, etc. that would be turned into mulch and re-sold.  They were permitted to bring in 20,000 cubic yards of this waste.

What they did instead was bring in 380,000 cubic yards of construction waste and other hazardous materials.  They had hundreds of trucks stacked up waiting to get into the landfill, which caused authorities to take notice.

Jersey Recycling used the cover story of going green to secretly cause a disaster that will cost taxpayers up to 10 million dollars to clean up.  

The reason Sirkin applied for a green recycling permit is because it was much easier to get than a landfill permit.  Sirkin has documented ties to organized crime and he was one of the guys who got Merlino violated for associating with felons.  

This landfill operation was a multi mafia family operation and the FBI believes that a Bonanno capo had a hidden interest in the landfill.

Sirkin met Merlino when they were finishing up some Federal time in a halfway house in Florida in 2011.  

Sirkin was originally from Staten Island but relocated to Boca Raton after his release.  He would drive Merlino all over and they would frequent cigar bars.

Sirkin was a prime mover in the insurance fraud case that defrauded insurance companies and Medicare out of 157 million dollars for high priced compound pain cream.

Sirkin was a manager of Premier Biotech one of a dozen companies that helped perpetuate the fraud.

The landfill, which is close to the Delaware river and next to Palmyra Cove Nature park has to be cleaned up before it starts leeching hazardous materials, and this going to cost us all.

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